Monday, January 12, 2009

Taking Stock

Another year whizzes past and whether you like or not, you find yourself in that introspective mood. The scary part is not being able to remember what you did during a specific period. I sit here and wonder – “what was my life in March last year like? “. All I get is a blur. Either my blackberry is spelling doom for my memory skills or my mind is playing tricks on me. I am not sure which I prefer.

But a lot of events stand out. The first few months of 2008 were filled with incredible happiness until Murphy’s Law caught up with me. The year saw some of my worst and lowest days. In a weird way I am grateful for those days. Sometimes you need a jolt to open your eyes to the obvious.

In the next few months I thought I had men, relationships and my life figured out. Then again may be not.

The last few months was a whirlwind of travel. New countries, new people. Definitely an an exciting period. But living out of suitcases for a few months gave me a gypsy in a caravan feeling. It made me wonder if wanderlust might just be bad for me.

Sayonara 2008, your one year I am definitely not going to forget.

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