Monday, February 2, 2009

Snowflakes on my window pane

Snow has always fascinated me. As a child I used to dream of making snow men, ice skating and wearing fancy furry boots like the Russians. Even in the recent past, on bad hair days I dreamt of Madras being hit by a snowstorm and me being unable to see my boss’s face for days. I had even scripted my first snow moment. Purest white snowflakes would gently land on my face and I would turn my face towards the heavens with eyes closed. (Ok I got inspired by the Emirates ad. Sue me)

Alas none of them came true. A few weeks back as I was getting out of a mall in Washington cursing the cold weather – something wet landed on my face. Before I could even scream, I realized I was skidding on a wet surface. I let out my Tarzan like wail. Hapless Christmas shoppers froze in their tracks to glare at me. As I made my most ungraceful landing, my colleague maintains a straight face and asks me “First time snow experience huh?”
Humbug. So much for my snow fantasies

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